通过创建一个关于女性的社区, 女子学院赋予独立学生影响个人和集体变革的能力, 在本地和全球范围内.尽管今天的世界与130多年前正规博彩十大网站排名成立时的世界已经大不相同, you can still find striking similarities in the gender inequalities that once existed, 为…制定目标 以女性为中心的学习环境 比以往更有必要.
女子学院有很多好处. 除了在学术上具有挑战性, 小班授课为个性化的教师关注和指导提供了机会, 而 a welcoming, inclusive community of like-minded souls 创建 a network of lifelong friendships 和 support.
So, why should you attend a women’s college, 和 more specifically, 正规博彩十大网站排名学院?
1. Because a women's college is uniquely academically rigorous.
“之前, 我害怕改变, of travel where there might be language barriers 和 different expectations. 现在我对自己的能力有信心了... 峰会教会了我如何挑选和专注于我的领导风格中最能体现的品质.”
在教室里,在热烈的讨论中,声音最大的通常是女性,你将建立作为领导者和演讲者的信心.从在非洲散居者的课堂上学习如何创建史学到在量子物理课程中获得对计算天体物理学的理解, you'll encounter professors 和 peers as passionately curious as you are about intellectual breadth, depth 和 growth.
One of the main reasons the college is known as the No. 最具创新精神的文理学院, 峰会 is our signature experience that provides real-world h和s-on learning 机会 that prepare you for post-graduate success.
2. Because a women's college 创建 women of strength 和 conviction
“Being away from home 和 in the company of my fellow classmates—all smart, 有进取心的女性想要在世界上留下印记——这让我对我长大的地方有了新的看法(卢旺达)。. 我观察到,如果我想激励其他年轻女性追求她们热爱的职业,并在自己的社区中发挥作用,就需要填补更多的差距.”
苏格兰人很早就学会了 how to perfect their own individual br和 of fearlessness that speaks to the passions that ignite them into action, creating the change they wish to see in the world. 在一个以女性为中心的环境中,当你所有的同龄人, 导师和榜样都像你一样, 在急需女性视角的领域开辟自己的道路.
据说 social justice activism is baked into a Scotties DNA. 从各种机会与我们 Center for Leadership, Engagement 和 Service,你会学会的 梦想宽, 勇敢无畏 和 藐视的刻板印象,不仅在当地规模,而且在全球范围内. 我们的学生, 以及女性大学毕业生, underst和 that empowering others to effect change begins with empowering oneself.
Leadership at Agnes Scott begins with a strong sense of self. 我们的招牌项目-遗产, 催化剂领导者计划, Impact Service Experience - will get you there.
社区和公民参与使苏格兰人了解当地和全球背景下的各种社会问题. 超过80% of undergraduate students are actively involved in community service.
3. Because a women's college establishes community that becomes family.
“ I had the most amazing community of friends, 同样聪明的女性, 有爱心的, 和有趣的. I developed relationships with professors that I maintain today. I always felt like there was a community of people cheering me on.”
选择适合你的社交场合. From one of the most active Student Government Association's in the country, to Ignite Poetry Collective or Latinas Unidas, you'll easily find your own niche amidst our vibrant living-learning community (where our student leaders are all historically women!). Community isn’t defined by geography at Agnes Scott, 但是令人惊奇的是, 不同的个体. Campus traditions aren’t just something you’ll read about in a college history book; these shared experiences will keep bringing you back to campus long after you’ve graduated.
学校里有60多个俱乐部和组织,在正规博彩十大网站排名找到你的定位很简单. 没有看到适合你的东西? 创建你自己的!
从黑猫周、二年级敲钟仪式到煎饼果酱、校园钟楼敲钟, our campus traditions form bonds of siblinghood that last a lifetime.
Agnes Scott's campus life scene is often described as a vibrant living-learning community. With over 80 percent of undergraduate Scotties living on campus, 你将很难在课表中找到空闲时间,而这些时间不能被有趣的活动和事件填满.
4. Because a women's college gives unique meaning to diversity.
“每天, people are continuously trying to reshape what the college looks like, what mechanisms are in place to make sure students are comfortable in their own skin. 艾格尼丝·斯科特是一所女子学院,同时也支持不同的性别认同,这让我真正看到了女性领导力的全貌.”
艾格尼丝·斯科特, 有43个州和28个国家的代表, with almost half of the undergraduate student body identifying as students of color. Despite the exclusivity that the term “women’s college” might bring to mind, women’s-centered environments of learning are typically socially progressive, welcoming 和 offering a safe space for various gender identities.
Women’s college campuses are often at the forefront of 全球多样性和包容性倡议.
5. Because a women's college means you'll be forever prepared.
“应用ing for the Marshall Scholarship was a really grueling process. 如果没有艾格尼丝·斯科特的经历,我不认为我真的能够成为一名引人注目的申请人. I had faculty advisors who really knew me, who worked with me... 给予成功和领导的机会.”
根据一项研究 女子大学联盟, researchers have found that students who have attended women's colleges are more likely than their coeducational counterparts to graduate, 对自己有很高的期望, 去读研究生, 并在他们的成年生活中取得成功.
女大学生也更有可能选择非传统领域或通常由男性主导的领域. 艾格尼丝·斯科特大学STEM专业的女性毕业生比例高于同类院校(25%对10%). 美国国家科学基金会(NSF)最近的数据显示,“正规博彩十大网站排名的学生获得工程领域博士学位的比例超过了83%的同类学院。, 和 Math 和 Computer Science fields than 78 percent of similar colleges.”
峰会, our innovative approach to the liberal arts 和 sciences, is a four-year purpleprint 看看我们是怎么做的?)为你的职业目标之旅做好准备. 在我们的课程中有意嵌入了特定的职业准备准备和网络经验,旨在引导您走向职业成功的一生.
We can talk about post-graduate success all day long - OR, we can show you. 艾格尼丝·斯科特的“敲钟人”定义的是已经收到/接受工作邀请或被研究生院录取的应届毕业生。.
艾格尼丝·斯科特给你路线图, but longterm success is measured in the choices you make, 你的决心和勇气. 愿我们最好的故事, brightest 和 most courageous Scotties inspire your footsteps for the journey ahead!
Women's colleges may be small, but they are mighty. 艾格尼丝·斯科特的校友们以自己的方式创造了历史——从乔治亚州第一位女性罗德奖学金获得者,到第一位被任命为长老会牧师的女性,再到第一位担任联邦商品期货交易委员会主席的女性——她们的激情反映在她们追求梦想的各种成功途径上.
选择参加女子学院将永远使你在人群中脱颖而出,并将你与那些毫不掩饰地使世界变得更美好的杰出女性的遗产联系起来, 为所有人创造更公平的环境.